PhD in Systems Science
Graduate Certificate in Complex Systems
Graduate Certificate in Evolutionary Studies
Binghamton University, State University of New York (2017)

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PhD in Systems Science
Binghamton University
State University of New York
M.S. in Mathematics
CSU Los Angeles
California State University
B.S. in Mathematics
CSU Long Beach
California State University

Graduate Certificate in Complex Systems
Binghamton University
Graduate Certificate in Evolutionary Studies
Binghamton University



An Agent Based Adaptive Network Model of
Idea Exchanging Social Networks
Our model considers multiple ideas within each individual, real valued directed social links and heterogeneous behavior distributions. Individual agents must divide their time into 3 distinct actions: thinking about one’s own ideas, disseminating ideas to others, and listening to ideas from peers. With this model, we study the relationship between behavior and network position.
Hyperinteractive Evolutionary Computation
In HIEC, the user can wield evolutionary operators like tools, using each to impart a different kind of specific change to a subset of the evolving population of individuals, just as a painter uses a variety of brushes and paints to impart different kinds of change to the developing canvas. In this sense, working with an HIEC system is somewhat similar to working with typical interactive editing applications.

an Electronic Brainstorming Application
We are developing an electronic brainstorming application which combines semantic simillarity data from the WordNet lexical database with a customized human based genetic algorithm (HBGA) to encourage brainstorming participants to think of a greater number of original ideas.
GNApy: A Python Implementation of
Generative Network Automata
GNA is a general framework for modeling many types of adaptive networks. GNA simplifies the task of creating adaptive network models by splitting the task into two distinct phases: extraction and replacement. We are currently developing a python implementation of GNA.


Fluent in the Python
programming langauge
Conception and development of
agent based models

Programming and data analysis with Mathematica
Working knowledge of the C++
programming langauge
Quantitative analysis of
complex networks

Ability to read, write, and present advanced mathematical material

Bilingual: English and Spanish
(Mexican Spanish)


  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship
  • First Place, California State University Long Beach Undergraduate Student Research Competition (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
  • Runner Up, California State University Statewide Undergraduate Student Research Competition (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
  • California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Scholarship (undergraduate)
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute Honors In Biological Sciences Program (undergraduate)


  • (2009-present) Research Assistant, Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems (CoCo) Research Group.
  • (2012-present) Associate Technology Editor, This View of Life Magazine.
  • (2012) Graphic Designer, Friends of Tarik Abdelazim, Binghamton, NY
  • (2011) NetSci High Program Advisor, Maine-Endwell High School, Endwell, NY
  • (2005-2006) Instructional Assistant, Santa Ana College Learning Disability Program, Santa Ana, CA



    [Journal] Shelley D. Dionne, Jin Akaishi, Xiujian Chen, Alka Gupta, Hiroki Sayama, Francis J. Yammarino, Andra Serban, Chanyu Hao, Hadassah J. Head and Benjamin James Bush, Retrospective relatedness reconstruction: Applications to adaptive social networks and social sentiment, Organizational Research Methods, in press.


    [Journal] Benjamin James Bush and Hiroki Sayama, Hyperinteractive evolutionary computation, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15: 424-433, 2011.

    [Proceedings] Jeffrey Schmidt, Benjamin James Bush, and Hiroki Sayama, A Python implementation of generative network automata, in Hiroki Sayama, Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, and Yaneer Bar-Yam, eds., Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.439-440.

    [Proceedings] Benjamin James Bush, Jeffrey Schmidt, and Hiroki Sayama, Behavior and centrality in idea exchanging adaptive social networks, in Hiroki Sayama, Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, and Yaneer Bar-Yam, eds., Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.437-438.

    [Proceedings] Hadassah J. Head, Benjamin James Bush, Alka Gupta, Hiroki Sayama, and Shelley D. Dionne, Network-informed idea selection strategies for electronic brainstorming, in Hiroki Sayama,Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.731-733.

    [Presentation] Cara Boothroyd, Brianna Benson, Deanna Blansky, Christina Kavanaugh, Julie Gallagher, John Endress, Benjamin James Bush, and Hiroki Sayama, Academic achievement and personal satisfaction in high school social networks, presented as a poster at the NetSci High: International High School Student Poster Competition on Network Science, in NetSci 2011: International School and Conference on Network Science, June 6-10, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.

    [Presentation] Jessica Calderone, Emma Valentine, Josie Trichka, Julie Gallagher, Benjamin James Bush, Jin Akaishi, and Hiroki Sayama, A comparative study on the social networks of fictional characters, presented as a poster at the NetSci High: International High School Student Poster Competition on Network Science, in NetSci 2011: International School and Conference on Network Science, June 6-10, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.

    [Journal] Shelley D. Dionne, Hiroki Sayama, Chanyu Hao, and Benjamin James Bush, The role of leadership in shared mental model convergence and team performance improvement: An agent-based computational model, Leadership Quarterly 21:1035-1049, 2010.

    [Proceedings] Jin Akaishi, Hiroki Sayama, Shelley D. Dionne, Xiujian Chen, Alka Gupta, Chanyu Hao, Andra Serban, Benjamin James Bush, Hadassah J. Head, and Francis J. Yammarino, Reconstructing history of social network evolution using web search engines, Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2010), Boston, MA, December 1-3, 2010, Springer.

    [Proceedings] Benjamin James Bush, Solving the eltrut problem with hybrid evolutionary algorithms, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO '09): Graduate Student Workshop


    [Presentation] Benjamin James Bush, Todd Ebert, The Building Block Hypothesis as Applied to the Automoatic generation of a LOGO Command Sequence for the Turtle Based Reproduction of a Line Drawing, presented at the 2006 CSU Long Beach undergraduate research competition and the 20th annual CSU Statewide Undergraduate Research Competition.