[Journal] Benjamin James Bush and Hiroki Sayama, Hyperinteractive evolutionary computation, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15: 424-433, 2011.
[Proceedings] Jeffrey Schmidt, Benjamin James Bush, and Hiroki Sayama, A Python implementation of generative network automata, in Hiroki Sayama, Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, and Yaneer Bar-Yam, eds., Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.439-440.
[Proceedings] Benjamin James Bush, Jeffrey Schmidt, and Hiroki Sayama, Behavior and centrality in idea exchanging adaptive social networks, in Hiroki Sayama, Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, and Yaneer Bar-Yam, eds., Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.437-438.
[Proceedings] Hadassah J. Head, Benjamin James Bush, Alka Gupta, Hiroki Sayama, and Shelley D. Dionne, Network-informed idea selection strategies for electronic brainstorming, in Hiroki Sayama,Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, NECSI Knowledge Press, 2011, pp.731-733.
[Presentation] Cara Boothroyd, Brianna Benson, Deanna Blansky, Christina Kavanaugh, Julie Gallagher, John Endress, Benjamin James Bush, and Hiroki Sayama, Academic achievement and personal satisfaction in high school social networks, presented as a poster at the NetSci High: International High School Student Poster Competition on Network Science, in NetSci 2011: International School and Conference on Network Science, June 6-10, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
[Presentation] Jessica Calderone, Emma Valentine, Josie Trichka, Julie Gallagher, Benjamin James Bush, Jin Akaishi, and Hiroki Sayama, A comparative study on the social networks of fictional characters, presented as a poster at the NetSci High: International High School Student Poster Competition on Network Science, in NetSci 2011: International School and Conference on Network Science, June 6-10, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.